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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
26 просмотров
Filename: mp_abacus.pk3 mapname short: mp_abacus mapname long: ABACUS Version: (V1) release: 2011 Author: Joffka Requires: V1.03 gold Patch gametypes: dm tdm inf dem ctf elim Player max: deathmatch 16 Teamtypes 6 vs 6 Used tools:

WinterMaps 122010

Добавил: The DSystem
24 просмотра
the map pack includes the following maps: belfast_pp_winter-edition BK_Kammy DMW_Tri_Lands kam_retreatV2 kamwinter_beta mp_coldwind mp_crazyxmas mp_office (neu) mp_office_hqtex (neu) mp_trainyard NSDQ_KamXmas PP_cratelanes UK_Xmas vvx


Добавил: The DSystem
23 просмотра
Maps in Alphabetical Order: Beach_V2_Invasion_RtCW BLS_TheGauntlet1 bunker_site cs_assault decent drive_in dustydeathv2 hf_subway inferno2003 jordanshop market Mega_1 MIF_kam2 mp_avanti mp_baskar mp_basrah mp_clubqstorm mp_colcity

'OMA' Mappack

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22 просмотра
Maps in Alphabetical Order barn_trip cs_assault cs_awp cs_country cs_country_reloaded Deck21 downtown fraglands_of_ctvm halle16-final hill_beta islands italy2007 Marmuda MASH8063 mp_clubqstorm mp_cod_carentan mp_coldboot mp_fabric

Soldier of Fortune II VV Shootout Arena Map

Добавил: The DSystem
22 просмотра
Large buildings with roof access and plenty of places to snipe from. This map includes breakable doors and windows leading to rooms in the buildings.

Modifying a BSP File (1.0.1)

Добавил: The DSystem
31 просмотр
------------------------------------------------ THIS TUTORIAL IS FOR THE GAMES USING BSP AS LEVEL-FILE, LISTED BELLOW ------------------------------------------------ Alien Arena American McGee's Alice Call of Duty //inside the *.pk3[ZIP]

smtb (1.0)

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17 просмотров
Small Town Boy ____________________________________________________________________ Filename: smtb.pk3 mapname short: smtb mapname long: Small town Boy Version: (V1) release: 2009 Author: Joffka Contact: mordred AT omaclan DOT de Require

mp_kam11v2 (2)

Добавил: The DSystem
8 просмотров
=============================================================== Title : Kam 11 Date : 1-Jan-2009 BSP Filename : mp_kam11v2.bsp Author : Original singleplayer level design Ravensoft. Port to Multiplayer : Johnny Grenade Description : MP_KAM1

Stonehenge (fixed)

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
====================== *README* ====================== File name:Stonehenge.zip Pk3 name:Stonehenge File realease date:4 Feb 2009 File version:V1 Author:-E*E- nomercy Email:nomercy.belgie@pandora.be Website:http://www.european-

Kammy Underground (v1.0)

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
=================================================== Title : Kammy Underground Date : 03-02-09 Version : v1.0 Filename : kammy_underground.pk3 Author : BuLLy Email : ukabully@live.co.uk Description : Based on the ever popular map "Kammy", I

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Всего материалов:  1473