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Mists of Chaos

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 16:06:04
183 просмотра
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot
  • Mists of Chaos Skin screenshot

Makes the Chaos Knight look like Abaddon.

Notes: Rebuild audiocache

If you don't want to rebuild it, just delete the sounds in the mod.

In the search for the "light", the chaos rider travels the planes of Avernus. In its realm lies the mists that protects the Font. Chaos Knight draws strength from it, giving mystic energies that makes life and death under his control.
