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Age of Empires III
Battle of Yellow Creek (Reviewed)

Battle of Yellow Creek (Reviewed)

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-06-24 00:06:00
9 просмотров
intercepting your force at Yellow Creek. You must defeat them swiftly, so that a seige en forme may begin at Niagra. REVIEW: This is a classic big-battle map with musketeers and cannon. It's quite realistic, but that's where the goodies end. Age of Empires III is renowned for its great physics engine that sends units flying after being hit by cannonballs. That was new in October 2005, and after 14 months there have been many cannon fodder scenarios. This cannon fodder map places you in a large confrontation between British and French forces. Hardly a "confrontation," as all you do is fight fight fight for about 5 minutes. No diplomacy, hardly any items, no triggers whatsoever (not even a win trigger), a non-scripted AI, and useless tactical information plagues this scenario. Who needs tactics when the AI simply charges into your cannons? Reviewed by Suleyman_Eisenhower, FileFront File Reviewer Contact me at legotj7@yahoo.com
Background: -May 18th, 1757 The British have invaded French territory, and are close to their objective of Fort Niagra. The French have responded rapidly, reinforcing Niagra's garrison and
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