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Battle of Coast Road Hill

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-23 00:01:00
14 просмотров
that unleashed a genocidal wave on one of your cities. Revenge fuels your soldiers. Will you have what it takes to defeat Macerr? The Battle of Coast Road Hill takes place across the Kalaa Channel, separating Macerr City from the rest of the continent. Macerr forces have retreated across the channel, and your forces are closing in. The battlefield is set at a large hill covered in trees and overlooking the channel. It is a tactical location, as a fort properly built on the hill could be artillery spotting for miles. You have a smaller army than before, as many casualties were taking in the assault on Macerr City. You and the enemy have established command posts. To defeat the enemy, destroy their command post on the opposite side of the hill. But watch out, as they will attempt to destroy yours. Good luck, and godspeed. -Major General C. Jacobs, Epilsonian Military
In a fictional world, a continent is being fought over by two warring nations. The Nation of Macerr, and the Republic of Epilson. You play as the Republic of Epilson, fighting to wipe out the country
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