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Age of Empires III
Roanoke: Mysteries of the Ones

Roanoke: Mysteries of the Ones

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-06-14 00:06:00
7 просмотров
over into her control when all others could not. Now Virginia Dare must figure out who Jod The Ugly really is, how and why he is always just a small step ahead of her, or maybe a small step behind. This vast journey through plains, mountains, caves, ice, snow, rain, dirt, mud, oceans and other anomalies. Virginia is caught in a strange plan, with people she does not even know.. and some she does not like.. The great power of many nations will help Virginia Dare take down whatever this strange plan or happening is that is going on. Trailer http://extra.gamingextremes.us/Roanoke2Trailer.wmv \"That is the trailer of the campaign, it is about the daughter of Eleanore Dare. Virginia Dare is her daughter, she is trying to get a Tupi Cheif Daughter home(not much is told about the Tupi Cheif Daughter so pay attention to any clues) they get to a pirate base on Croatan(the new area of Roanoke started of the first Roanoke campaign) It seems New Roanoke has started laws and set up a government on Croatan, and they fight natives, go through mountains, Enclaves of Samurai, and many other places to stop the strange, and unknown man Jod The Ugly.\"
A Campaign for AOE III ------------------------------- Roanoke: Mysteries of the Ones When Eleanore Dare died, Roanoke lost a great hero. Virginia Dare, Eleanore Dare\'s daughter, took Roanoke
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