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Capture the Flag

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-08-16 22:08:00
28 просмотров
flavors: 2 points and 3 points. Currently only 1 vs. 1, and designed specifically for multiplayer. Details ============= Ok, if you\'ve ever played capture the flag it should be pretty simple. I\'ve also made objectives in game to help explain it to new players. Both players start out with a flag bearer. To take the enemy\'s flag you must walk your flag bearer over to the enemy\'s base and over their flag. Then you have to bring your flag bearer back to your base and walk him over your own flag to capture the enemy\'s flag and earn a point. The enemy can stop you by killing your flag bearer. If this happens, the enemy\'s flag will be returned to their base and your flag bearer will respawn in your base. You can kill the enemy flag bearer to stop them from taking your own flag as well. This eventually leads to epic battles between the two players, while simultaneously trying to sneak your flag bearer over to the enemy\'s flag. I find it quite nerve-racking and exciting to try and protect your little flag bearer as he slowly treks across the map. Both players start out with a basic palisade wall, two town centers, the basic discovery and colonial buildings, and a small army. Both start in the Discovery age and must age up to build more units. To win, you need to capture the flag 2 times or 3 times, depending on which scenario you are using. Which brings me to my next point... I originally just had the 3 point version, but as I was playing it online with someone they pointed out that it was a little too long and I should make a version with only 1 or 2 points. I felt 2 points would make it a little more forgiving to new players so I created the 2 points version. I now find the the 2 point version is much quicker and fun to play. Installation =============== Just extract the contents of the .zip file to My DocumentsMy GamesAge of Empires 3Scenarios Then you can load up the scenario to play online.
Who doesn\'t love a good game of capture the flag? Well, after discovering that scenarios had triggers (*gasp*) I set out to make a capture the flag game in AOE 3. I did, and here it is; and in two
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