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Lizzie\'s Way, prolog

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-12-31 00:12:00
16 просмотров
scenario \" could be played on a PC, since the 2 game engines are not even the same, from the little I know. The biggest problem until today with the AoE3 Mac Editor: it can not use any of the sound or music triggers. So all you will get here, is what comes out simply from AoE3, and probably no music at all... You should get only 2 files: - This very read me - \" LizziesWay01sinking.age3scn \", the scenario file. ( Any other files beside these two above, such as .DS_Store are totally useless Macintosh directory files, and not to be considered, and even better... trashed! ) Any comment, especially, since it\'s a kind of test for AoE3 Macintosh, would be much appreciated. aoe3@lezineau.com
This is only a sketch for a possible campaign. And probably one of the first AoE3 scenario made on a Macintosh. Before pushing any further, I wanna make sure, in the very first place, that a \" Mac
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