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Strategic Objectives: Islands

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-09-18 22:09:00
15 просмотров
capture neutral buildings that are guarded by guardians (such as Forts and Barracks), and even re-capture them from the AI and vice versa. Captured buildings offer either economic bonus or military bonus (free units). Players can also capture Great Cannons and use them to construct Fixed Guns anywhere on the map. WARNNING This scenario MUST be executed via one of the “Scenario Launcher” scenarios or directly from the Editor. Executing one of the scenarios directly may cause AOE3 to crash under certain circumstances. This issue has been notified to Ensemble and hopefully it will be resolved with the new patch. In the meantime please execute only the “Scenario Launcher” and everything will be working fine. The following is the list of the “Scenario Launchers” that you can execute: TWC xStrat Obj Launch Island Easy.age3Xscn xStrat Obj Launch Island Moderate.age3Xscn xStrat Obj Launch Island Normal.age3Xscn xStrat Obj Launch Island Hard.age3Xscn Vanilla Strat Obj Launch Island Normal.age3scn Strat Obj Launch Island Hard.age3scn These scenario launchers will allow you to select the civ that you want to play with and launch the appropriate scenario. Scenario Versions I have made several versions with different civs to play with and different difficulty levels. For Vanilla: There are 3 different civ versions and 2 difficulty levels for each civ ( Normal and Hard). For TWC: There are 4 different civ versions and 4 difficulty levels for each civ (Easy, Moderate, Normal , and Hard) “Easy”, “Moderate”, and “Normal” versions are utilizing “Moderate” AI. The “Hard” version utilizes “Hard” AI. No cheating codes are allowed with these scenarios In the event the cheat codes are being used the AI will receive 100 mercenaries with 20,000 HP. So just play the level that fits your level the most. Installation Instructions Please note that these scenarios don’t mod your game in any way. Installation Instructions for AOE 3: TWC Copy all the “Xstrat Obj….age3Xscn” files to \"My Documents/My Game/Age of Empires 3/Scenario\" Copy all the \"HomecityX…….XML\" files to \"Program Files/Microsoft Games/Age of Empires III/Campaign/War Chief\" Copy the music file Glory.mp3 to the C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Age of Empires III\\Sound Installation Instructions for AOE 3: Vanilla Copy all the \"Strat Obj…….age3scn\" to \"My Documents/My Game/Age of Empires 3/Scenario\". Copy all the \"Homecity_……XML\" files to \"Program Files/Microsoft Games/Age of Empires III/Campaign/Blood Ice Steel\" Copy the music file Glory.mp3 to the C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Age of Empires III\\Sound Message for the Reviewers Please review either the “Moderate” or “Normal” versions of the scenario depending on your skill level. The “Hard” version was made only for the contest and the “Easy” version just for practice. Please keep in mind that despite the fact that the AI has more units than the human player, the human player can counter that with superior strategy and tactics, especially with a good use of Fixed Guns. Thank you, Moshe Levi
Strategic Objectives: Islands This scenario is for both “AOE 3: Original” (Vanilla) and “AOE 3: TWC”. “Strategic Objectives” is a scenario that qualifies as a new game type. It allows to
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