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Age of Empires III
The Revolutionary War - The Carribean

The Revolutionary War - The Carribean

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-06-28 00:06:00
17 просмотров
British, along with their Iroquois allies. However, beware of the pirates that lurk in the area, waiting to sink your ships. And don\'t be surprised if your enemies find a way to get to you without using ships...... Review: Playability: Although highly playable I gave you a ding because there is no victory except an eventual trade monopoly...even though every enemy was completely dead. Balance: The balance was decent as the comp was decently aggressive but not completely overpowering. Tough when your explorer can\'t build a TC. Also red....did absolutely nothing...villagers grab the intial resources then just sat there. Creativity: Creative enough but see map design for more... Map Design: There were elevations and a bit of creativity in that....But I didn\'t like the strands of land you could walk across...it made the comps easy to bottle neck...a couple sets of stone walls with 4 towers and 5 rockets pretty much owned everything that came. Also no eye candy whatsoever. A few treasures... Story/Instructions: A tiny bit of story...sort of...absolutely no primary or secondary objectives with no in game instructions at all. It was more of an RM game.
This game is an insight into the revolutionary war. You play as the U.S (blue), allied by the Black Family Estate (red), and are fighting for control of the Caribbean area. You will be opposed by the
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