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Unlimited Units Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-08-02 00:08:00
14 просмотров
Empires 3: The Warchiefs, just paste the Program Files folder into your C: or D: drive, whichever one contains the AOE3 install, and you're set!, enjoy Contact me via MSN MEssenger if you have any questions @ xsnip3rx@mythscape.org REVIEW: Finally, an unlimited units mod has come to AoE3 Files! I am no modder, so I can't make one myself. But this is an essential mod for people who want big battles and have powerful computers. You WILL need a nice graphics card to see all those units in combat. But don't forget, your enemies can also make unlimited units. Reviewed by Suleyman Eisenhower
This mod has been made by Xsnip3rX, This mod makes it possible to have unlimited units, enjoy. This is my first mod for Age of Empires 3, it's compatible with both Age of Empires 3, and Age of
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