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Dark City (REVIEWED)

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-11-24 00:11:00
8 просмотров
country, he finds himself in a rainy, muddy marshland. They are going to Zartos City, a place where they will rest up before continuing their journey. However, when they reach Zartos City, it is empty... REVIEWED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cinematic describes an adventure of Ajax after he and a small contigent of troops are left supply-less and virtually stranded in a wolf-infested forest. They make their way to near-by Zarto city for rest and recouperation only to discover that the city is seeminly empty, caused by a betrayal from the ferryman on the river Styx. The cinematic itself is very well designed. The storyline itself is a little weak, and perhaps a little unimaginative, but this is more than made up for by the high quality technical aspects of the cinematic. The author made excellent use of camera angles to provide mood and suspense as well as well orchestrated and timed close-ups of the main characters. The transformations of the city during the arrival of cerberus with the meteors and special effects was brilliantly carried off and the flashes to blood red screens were absolutely fantastic! Music and animations were also well utilised and provided atmosphere to the cinematic in crucial moments. However, the dialog at times came across as cheap and probably could have done with modification. That and the storyline were the only aspects that dropped the rating slightly. Otherwise the cinematic is brilliantly constructed and at times awe-inspiring. A good baseline for anyone looking for inspiration and guidance on how to construct a quality cinematic. Reviewed by BlueDragon27
Some time after The New Atlantis campaign, Ajax and a small group of soldiers are making a travel to a Greek harbor. He wishes to go to Atlantis, to seek Kastor. On his journey through the Greek
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