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Age of Mythology Patch

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-11-19 23:11:00
12 просмотров
Improved cheat checks for the zoom out exploit. - Fixed an Advanced Setup crash when changing public / private rapidly. - Fixed a problem with Advanced Setup host dialog not closing when inviting others. - Quick Setup games now default to 5 pauses maximum. - Requests for in-game saves are now counted as a pause towards the maximum pause limit. - Fixed DirectIP connection issues. NETWORK AND ESO FIXES - Improved the ESO login code. - Fixes for the stats upload (2,4) problem. If you continue to receive this error message, please try shutting down any other applications or services you have running before launching AoM - the problem may be related to having other processes running in the background. We are continuing to investigate this issue. - Improved NAT/firewall support on ESO. - Improved NAT/firewall support for DirectIP.
This patch addresses multiplayer connection problems and fixes a few exploits. This patch version does not affect unit or civilization balance or scenario editor functionality. CLIENT FIXES -
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