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Excelsior Class pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-10-28 22:10:00
11 просмотров
there are several improved phaser sprites included in this pack. Now I list another model pack, the Constitution pack, as a requierment for this pack. Due to problems with the upload system that pack is not currently up on the sight. However I will include a link in the comments section for you until the system is fixed. Assuming the download problem will still remain a link for the Excelsior pack will also be in the commentsection untill the system is fixed. I\'ll get both links up as quickly as I can but there may be a small period of time between the staff posting the page and my getting back to put up the links so please be patient.
This is my Version of the Venerable P81 Excelsior and the Refit version of that Class. This pack comes with all the my normal bells and whistles; LODs, multiple variants, and hero ships. In addition
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