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Wormhole Generator

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-22 23:01:00
5 просмотров
Help your allies, retreat your ships back to your base and make a surgical strike against the enemy as you've gated off again. The concept is good, albeit slightly overpowering for the race you add it in (the install instructions are for the Federation but you could put it in any of the Alpha quadrant races really). So, what are you waiting for - it look's pretty cool with the way the wormhole fits perfectly in the mini-ring-gates. Only biggy is the lack of a builbutton, wireframe or admiral's log. Still, it's a station and if you mass produce this...well you wouldn't need to, you have mass produceable wormholes afterall!
What's better then one wormhole generator? I can tell you. It's this mod. Simply put, it gives you "module's" of wormhole construction pieces so you can open up multiple gates when you choose to.
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