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Battle for Lorien

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-01-12 00:01:00
6 просмотров
!!! INTRODUCTION: This is a heavily scripted singleplayer map mission, released as an alternate of Lothlorien mission from evil campaign. Using a slightly modified version of EA\'s original Lorien map, I take no credit from mapping itself. There is, however, one thing that I made from scratch- scripting. This is NOT another tutorial-like mission, from beginning to the very end, this map provides more fun&challenge than its EA counterpart. A lot of effort came into this project, hope you\'ll like it! INSTALLATION: Extracted folder with all of its content should go here: C:/Documents and Settings/(Username)/Application data/My Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II Files/Maps Thanks goes to cahik and morgoth946 for betatesting. -{IP}Dre@mer
v2.0: - Now playable with 1.05/1.06 patch - It\'s recommended to play as Mordor (you\'ll no longer get auto-loss in this version tho) - !!! Start on top - right corner
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