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Besiegement of Minas Tirith

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-10-16 00:10:00
4 просмотра
below and in the read me. In V2: Rohhirum Added Army Of The Dead Added NO more drummers climbing the walls No longer done in waves instead they everytime you kill a orc it respawns instantly which has reduced lag significantly Orcs now use seige towers alot more Grond has been added (well it was in v1 but the trolls alway knocked down the gate:) Seige towers now respawn making it so u cant destroy them all then put all your men infront of the gate You are now unable to leave the city even when the gate is destroyed soz otherwise its easier to win Various other bug fixes
Welcome to version 2 of beseigement of minas tirith this is probally the final version of the map .in v2 i have got rid of most of the lag YAY!!! :-) .anyway the changes which i ahev made are posted
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