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Battle for Middle Earth 2
Custom Heroes Defend The Forbidden Gardens

Custom Heroes Defend The Forbidden Gardens

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-11-09 23:11:00
8 просмотров
some heroes come with each wave. To be honest it's an easy map and I may myself attempt to tweak it by adding in more waves, as the waves are pretty rubbish if your using the pre-made heroes, if you made one yourself like I did to test the map out then using a an Elven ranger with tornado and rapid fire makes it really easy, and I guarantee you could even beat this map with your ranger with those skills and possibly two to three easy army heroes. So the gameplay is easy but it's much better if you don't use glitched heroes or the tornado because it makes it much more harder as Sauron comes at the end to siege the gardens and so does the Grond which are both hard to take out. One of the screenshots you can see me using tornado just whirling the units around at the end of the map so don't use the elven ranger.. Okay use it once because it's so fun!
This is another wave map but it has a storyline to it ;) You choose your custom heroes and are set up to defend the elven Forbidden Gardens where waves and waves of enemies will come at you units and
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