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Journey Through Hobbiton

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-02-14 23:02:00
7 просмотров
it to find forests and a captureable building. 2 other captureable buildings are also on the map (all 3 buildings when captured give resources) . Bilbo\'s home is in the bottom right corner. the top left corner is where Gandalf entered the shire. i didn\'t put any creeps on this map because i didn\'t think they would fit. please rate or comment on this map, please. i can\'t improve my next map if you don\'t tell me what i should change or do differently next time.[/quote] Seems like a pretty good map. Gotta love those that try and base it accurately on the real Tolkien lore. Download it and give it a shot! -WindowsVistaGeek19
[quote]Journey Through Hobbiton is based upon Gandalf\'s entry into the shire in Fellowship of the Ring. it is a 2 player map made for fun and battles. a river runs through part of the map, go over
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