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New Moria

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-22 23:03:00
8 просмотров
to get into Moria . The Map is of a time after the Fellowship had passed through and The Goblins still roamed the area . The 1 player option is an uncommon option but should work fine . It is important in 1 player mode to get the signal tower for better map play . Using 2 players maybe difficult , 3 - 4 players should be fine . In multiple player set-up only Create a Heros will fight for teams 1 - 4 . Look for Gollum ... Remember the Drums in the Deep ... They are Coming ...[/quote] Adro has created some fantastic maps in the past and this one exceeds expectations, we usually have lots of Moria maps by Alexyz but Adro has completely outdone him in this map, it\'s one to die for!
[quote]Let us go through the Mines of Moria . New Moria by Adro is a 1 - 4 player map with the 5th player being AI only . Each player starts with their Create a Hero and must go into the Magic Door
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