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The Last Battle Of An Age

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-12-10 00:12:00
4 просмотра
Numenorians and Elves waged war on Sauron intermittenly, but Sauron has a burning passion to destroy them once and for all. Sauron starts to wage war on the Numenorians and Elves alike in Middle-Earth to finish them off completly. The Numenorians and Elves formed the Last Alliance to destroy Sauron. They send out a massive force to fight against sauron on his home front. During the Battle of the Last Alliance Sauron sends a side force to investigate the Northernwastes. That force was meant to investigate the land to see that if Saurons mighty tower of Baradur fell he would be able to rebuild a new fortress in the North. That force stumbles on Amon Dolath. The remaining Numenorians there are not expecting an attack. Taking the Numenorians by surprise the army of evil attacks the nearby town of Forstain. Taking the fortress under seige the batte of Amon Dolath begins. This map is a 4v4, top versus bottom, seige. Created By heretic26
The Fortress Of Amon Dolath, Northwest of Forodwaith, On the edge of the White Sea lies a fortress of stone and ice. This fortress of Amon Dolath has stood since 390 in the First Age Of Sun.
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