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The Return of Sauron

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-10-19 00:10:00
6 просмотров
Only your custom hero\'s have a chance of stopping him. This map uses it\'s own ini and str file. Please restart your bfme2 game after you have played, to avoid going out of sync. This map will only go out of sync if someone in your game has played a game with a changed ini file, and not restarted their game after. Ask them questions, like \"Have you won any games today?\" If they sound suspicious, kick them. Yes, this map is better textured than my last, and is much harder. Hero\'s have infinite lives and will revive, but if they are all dead at once, you will lose and sauron will return! The fight will be tough, but you can succeed! THIS IS NOT A ONE PLAYER GAME. MULTI PLAYER ONLY. DO NOT COME COMPLAINING TO ME BECAUSE IT\'S TOO HARD IF YOU DO IT ONE PLAYER! Please report any glitches to Jamjam525@hotmail.co.uk Have fun playing! James (jamjam525) Carter
THE RETURN OF SAURON BY JAMJAM525 (V1) Well, i finally got round to finishing it. My new map. In this map, an evil necromancer comes to middle earth in the hope of rising sauron once more.
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