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Battle of the Atlantic

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-12 00:05:00
9 просмотров
the bitter cold waters of the North Atlantic against the German forces. In a hard-fought and intense struggle to cut off Britain's maritime supply lines, Germany naval and air forces attacked Allied merchant shipping. The British, Canadian and American allied naval and air forces were deployed to defeat the German forces. Objectives: Battle Of The Atlantic takes place at night in the North Atlantic. The British and German naval forces' objective is take and hold both flags and to totally eliminate the opposing forces. Installation Instructions: To use just extract the file Battle_Of_The_Atlantic.rtf into your bf1942 levels folder. Normally: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\bf1942\levels Uninstall Instructions: To uninstall simply remove the file Battle_Of_The_Atlantic.rtf from your bf1942 levels folder. Normally: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\bf1942\levels Change Log: 1.0.0 05/07/2003 - Initial release Any help in completing with the above changes would be greatly appreciated. Thanks: - Ryan Foss moseley@ga.prestige.net for MakeRFA and RFA Extractor Utilities - MoonQuake simxmoonquake@hotmail.com for Wake Evening Level - http://forums.bf42.com for hosting Battlefield 1942 Editing Forums - DICE and EA for Battlefield 1942 Game Feedback: Feel free to send your comments and suggestions to mjgoya@yahoo.com. [/quote]
[quote] The Battle Of The Atlantic The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest campaign of the Second World War. From September 1939 to May 1945 the Allied forces fought in
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