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Battlefield 1942
Operation Chariot - *REVIEWED*

Operation Chariot - *REVIEWED*

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-06-27 00:06:00
7 просмотров
the following... Machine Gun armed Jeeps Bridges that can be blown up or repaired by the Engineer. [/quote] MadModder's Review This map is set in small sea side town built around a naval yard. It features Jeeps and Willys with mounted (3rd seat) machine guns and as the read me says, exploding bridges. You can actually detonate (and repair) the stone bridges linking different areas of the map. I am very impressed with the coding Pitmatic used. The bridges look just like normal ones (unitl you pepper it with expacks and it begins smoking) and the detonation effects are very good. It could use some more flying debris but all in all it's impressive. It would look a little better if the wreck model for the bridges had jagged "destroyed" ends after detonation (they are pretty much smooth) at the bridge edges. Some other intresting goodies include a submarine pen with custom skins on the subs and various audio bits around certain objects. I'll let you figure out where they are. My only gripe is with the map layout itself. It has some cool areas such as the old train yard and piers jutting out into the sea, but given the flag layout some of these places won't see much action and the scenary may be wasted. Overall a good map. Even if you don't like playing custom maps, the exploding bridges alone make it worth the download. Good job PItmatic.
[quote]This map is a completely new map featuring British and German forces in a scenario set during the British combined forces raid on St Nazaire in 1942. Its a large urban battle and features
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