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Fort Capuzzo

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-08-30 00:08:00
10 просмотров
Cyrenaica, Libya. It\'s the 11th of April, 1941. The Afrika Korps is marching up to Fort Capuzzo, a fortress on the border between Libya and Egypt. It\'s a typical desert terrain: fog, sandstorms, open plains,... The perfect terrain for the famous Desert Fox, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The map consists of: -1 axis base -1 allied base -2 capable allied control points The 8th Army has to defend these positions at all costs: once the Afrika Korps has captured them both, the allied tickets will bleed with a huge speed. But as long as they are able to hold both posts, the Afrika Korps will lose their tickets instead. Co-op support included.
Here\'s another brand new custom map for the Battlefield 1942: Forgotten Hope mod. The Map: British and Aussies (8th Army) vs. Germans and Italians (Afrika Korps) This map is located in
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