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NB Berlin

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-01 00:05:00
9 просмотров
has been stopped. The Axis armies have been forced back within German borders. Only Hitler\'s most prized platoons, the Schutzstaffel (or SS), remain at near full strength. These soldiers have fortified cities within Germany in preparation for an inevitable Allied invasion. Your troops will lead an organized assault on the city of Berlin. Allied troops aboard the U.S.S. Fletcher will proceed by landing craft to a secluded beach on the south side of the city. Under covering fire from the Allied ship, they will be responsible for clearing the beach of any enemy forces, and establishing an invasion point into the city. Only with the total capture of the city will the Allied forces be able to stop Hitler once and for all. Good luck men! ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Axis: Defend your city at all costs. Allies: Capture all points for a total conquest of the city. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Enjoy, MuNcH Email any questions or comments to MuNcH@northernbrigade.com Visit us at WWW.NorthernBrigade.com Thanks go out the all the skinners at BFFiles for the custom skins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to NB|DaveSki for all his help, skin work, patience and answers to my endless questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to all my brothers in Northern Brigade. ************************************************ To install simply unrar the NB_Berlin.rar and extract the NB_Berlin.rfa, to your map directory. C:Program Files\\EA Games\\Battlefield 1942\\mods\\bf1942\\Archives\\bf1942\\levels\\NB_Berlin .rfa ************************************************* Some have had problems connecting with the Road to Rome bf icon. So start your game though the Original icon or connect to a server through ASE or Games Spy ************************************************ Thanks again and a special thanks to Mad bull and the people over at BF42 Forums...http://forums.bf42.com.. And all the other people responsible for all the tools involved with map editing. [/quote]
[quote]**Top Priority** **Attention All U.S. Battlefield Commanders** **Top Priority** Re: Axis movement in Western Europe / Troop Assignments The Third Reich\'s advance across Europe
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