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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Wake Evenings

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-19 00:10:00
8 просмотров
seen to be believed, just look at this list of features.[quote]Let's see what we got in this map : - Battle during a dark late evening. - Increased view distance by 300% (some map tweaking should help you keep a good performance level. If you need to, you can always lower the Details and View distance from BF's option menu.) - Reorganised reinforcements. (more stuff and placed differently. Some of them have been modified for a little fantasy and fun..) - Some vehicles have a longer life if left alone. - Darker suits makes it easier to hide. - Some modified textures. - It's late, so the water level has lowered! Be careful with the boats! - Results of the last days of battle : the terrain is now rough and hazardous. Good for hiding, bad for driving. - New control points attributes. - New "dropped-from-a-plane" reinforcement waves. (better be quick on the parachute handle) - It is now possible to move a big ship in the center of the island! Yes! - And more............[/quote]I was having as much fun snapping screenshots around the island as I was actually playing it. There are downsides though. The skybox, while it looks great, suffers from the usual Battlefield pixelation and lack of color blending. Why Digital Illusions decided to do that with the sky textures I'll never know. And the horizon would've benefited from some fog or blending, something to alleviate the distinct line where sky meets ocean. These are very, very minor gripes because this map as a whole is a sheer blast to play. The majority of the time you get the impression that everything really is being lit up by moonlight instead of having the normal looking Wake Island with a night sky thrown in. In my humble opinion, everyone should play this map at least once.
[quote]Today is October the 19th. Today you will continue the Battle of Wake Island. Hurry! Your fellow soldiers are waiting for you, they need reinforcements![/quote]Simply put, this map has to be
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