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Galactic Conquest V5 Linux Server FIles

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-02-06 23:02:00
10 просмотров
map rotation correctly: -Release 5 features six maps that start with “GC_Mini_” in their title. These maps are not designed for a standard 32 player (or greater) server. They are tooled for 8 to 16 players on a server, and designed specifically for 4v4 to 6v6 clan matches. You *can* put them into your rotation, but with 32 players it’s going to be really small and hectic. Some may like that, but we recommend they stay out of the normal full player rotation. -Release 5 features a map called “GC_bonusrace”. This map is also not for normal server rotation. This map isn\'t a normal match, but was made for players who like to stage races around a track with our vehicles. In a normal rotation, most players will be confused and not have much to do. It’s HIGHLY recommended you don’t have this map playing unless you are staging an online race. -Don’t forget, three of GC’s maps are in the Objective mode menu, and have to be selected from it if you don’t use Blackbag ops. -As always, we recommend no friendly fire except when admins are logged in and physically present. -The rest of the new features are outlined in the readme file located in the mod folder. -This is a full install for the server version, so you should delete your old GCMOD folder. Thank you again! Scott Zier Galactic Conquest
Galactic Conquest RELEASE 5 ---------------------------- Thank you for hosting Galactic Conquest on your server! There are a few things you need to know about Release 5, in order to setup your
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