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[DS]: Half-Life Server

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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Добавил: The DSystem
15 просмотров
Here's a short video showing some nice flying skills.

Edge of Chaos Trilogy Trailer - English Subtitles

Добавил: The DSystem
13 просмотров
A Battlefield 2 Machinima trailer for the full trilogy to be coming out this winter.

Edge of Chaos Trilogy Trailer - German Subtitles

Добавил: The DSystem
7 просмотров
The Year is 2061, the World is on the brink of Chaos. China, a country that was openly converting to Democracy in the past 55 years has cast aside its adopted stance and revealed that they own an

Jet Jump stunt video

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
This is a short and sweet stunt video involving heights, jets, entering jets at high speeds and near death falls.

ZeroFactor Quad Bike Teaser

Добавил: The DSystem
14 просмотров
This is a teaser video showing the Quad Bike created by [url=\"http://dynamic.gamespy.com/~zerofactor/index.php\"]ZeroFactor[/url].

Operation Flash Fire

Добавил: The DSystem
18 просмотров
[img]http://screenshots.filesnetwork.com/57/others/file_46369_a.jpg[/img] Operation Flash Fire is a whopping 21 minute movie and quite an interesting one to watch. Take a look for yourself.

Toxikneedle Striking at Karkand Video

Добавил: The DSystem
16 просмотров
This is his first BF2 video although he have done a couple for 1942. This isn\'t anything special. He just filmed himself with Fraps playing Karkand or 2-3 rounds and edited it into this movie.


Добавил: The DSystem
14 просмотров
**Fixed version*** Two special forces operatives, trained to kill eachother, battle it out to the death. I love it.

Jumping Around

Добавил: The DSystem
12 просмотров
Now here is something I've never seen before. Its like a stunt video, but instead of jumping out of planes or ramping HMMWVs and LAVs off of buildings, its a montage of people blowing themselves up

Black Hawk Takedown

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
A Black Hawk flies across Mashtuur City and gets shot down.

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Всего материалов:  219