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Sands of Fire

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-05 00:01:00
10 просмотров
Battlefield machinima, The Fallen One, are back! And this time they take it one step further. YES, this is Battlefield2 folks! No, this is NOT Special Forces or any other custom mod. Most shots are visually enhanced. We use the Battlefield2 engine to tell a thrilling story about a soldier that gets trapped in the Iraqi desert. This teaser only shows a small part of the upcoming movie and most shots are not completely finished. The movie will be released sometime in 2006. We have not yet set a date, but as work progresses, we have strong hopes that it will be finished by april/may 2006.[/quote] Download Now | [url="http://lrrp.clanhost.nl"]Website[/url]
From the creators of "The Fallen One" for Battlefield Vietnam, the LRRP team presents us with Sands of Fire! Take a look at what they have to say, [quote]The creators of one of the best
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