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BFV Arsenal

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-25 22:07:00
14 просмотров
[url="http://battlefield2.filefront.com/file/Fix_for_BFV_Arsenal_040;92363"]Click Here To Download[/url][/b] 0.40 version features: - more than 100 (one hundred) new handweapons used in the Vietnam War, all with realistic and unique behavior; - all vehicles armament and load out reviewed to match the real configurations; - 15 new custom maps (most with singleplayer support); - new factions: ANZAC (Australian and New Zealander), SAS (ANZAC Special Forces), Khmer Rouge/Laotian Guerrilla, Chinese, French, Viet Minh, Navy Seals and MACVSOG. - support for playing together with the mods: Eve of Destruction and BFV_WW2mod (by Dice). - support for "Counter Strike style" gameplay. - all kits reformulated valuing gameplay and historical accuracy; - and (much) more! [b]You Will need to download this Hot fix after you are done downloading this!!!!!!!! [url="http://battlefield2.filefront.com/file/Fix_for_BFV_Arsenal_040;92363"]Click Here To Download[/url][/b]
Arsenal mod adds improved realism, historical accuracy and expanded gameplay to the Battlefield Vietnam [b]You Will need to download this Hot fix after you are done downloading this!!!!!!!!
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