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Multiplayer Demo

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-09-15 22:09:00
21 просмотр
MP_CargoBay_Exo and one game mode (BoS) where 2 teams try to earn tickets and bet on an opposing team's player to earn money for both themselves and their team. BoS multiplayer also has 6 character classes, like what you would see in Return To Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory, each of which have strengths and weaknesses of their own. Overall, the mulitplayer looks to be pretty good. EDIT: I will be adding screenshots soon. :) EDIT2: Having trouble taking screenshots, so they may not come or they may come later. I'll try to get them before the week is out.
The multiplayer demo for Bet on Soldier is finally here. Description by Killer Kyle: This demo allows you to enjoy the multiplayer aspect of Bet On Soldier. The demo includes one map
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