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Landser Mod video clip #1

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-03-13 00:03:00
10 просмотров
nutshell... [quote]The Americans have landed in the Normandy and move forward always further to the inland region. The situation is completely unclear for the German troops. You are sergeant and part of the paratroopers' division 5th parts of your unit as well as a Flakbatallion are in Foucarville in position. A reconnaissance patrol of the Americans already has tried to reconnoitre the place, was beaten back, however, successfully. You were wounded at this battle and immediately came into the nearby hospital to St. Martin. Two days are last since then. You have to go back immediately, because the Americans plan an attack on Foucarville...... [/quote] Excellent job Engel, I can't wait for this to be release!
We have the first of 4 (so far?) video clips showcasing Engel's work on the Landser Mod! Some of you may recall the new's post on this mod, for those of you that don't, here it is in a
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