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Bazooka Jo: WarZone for RtH30

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-08-13 22:08:00
11 просмотров
Johanningmeier ("Jo") isn't the brightest soldier and lost most of his hearing after the jump. The only reason he's still on the front lines is because he can haul a bazooka and who knows how many shells clear across Normandy without missing a step. Stay clear of his line of fire, but don't let him get too far ahead of you or he'll get himself into trouble. Also includes the latest WarZone, CommandMod, and DangerousAI mods v3.33, with the following updates: v3.33: Vehicle team soldiers have regular infantry uniforms v3.32: Fixed DemonicMP which was broken in 3.31 v3.31: Added Bazooka Jo Mutator Added No Monologues Mutator (EiB only) Fixed Bazooka and Panzerfaust soldiers' grenade abilities Slightly improved DemonicMP AI Fixed some crashes with DemonicMP Fixed dialogue and scene problems with "Objective XYZ" and "No Better Spot to Die" (RtH30 maps) v3.30: Demonic MP Beta Slightly improved DangerousAI Fixed "Tom & Jerry" (RtH30 map) shooting during dialogue Altered WarZone soldier formations in combat Added Command abilities while in PeekCam Reduced WarZone soldier chatter WarZone soldiers less likely to steal cover from regular soldiers WarZone soldiers less likely to block tanks' movements Germans less likely to repeat cowardly phrases

Introducing the newest mutator in the WarZone collection: Bazooka Jo. A new soldier will follow you around with his trusty bazooka to blow up Jerries and sometimes himself. Pfc
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