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Rendroc's Command Mod for RtH30

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-30 22:07:00
14 просмотров
leader's repertoire, hopefully providing new gameplay experiences using more varied strategic options. This Squad Command Interface for the Single Player game mode provides a more visible Command Ring, easier targeting in Authentic Mode, Assault Cam, Peek Cam, Fall Back, Widen Formation, Man MG, Pick Up Panzerfaust, Assault Tank, Waypoints, Stay Low & Hold Fire and Enhanced Cover AI. Since some additional buttons combination's will be used for issuing orders, you may have to change your key setup so that you can press the necessary buttons simultaneously. Also, you may already be used to pressing certain keys to Cancel the Command Ring. However, the only recommended method for canceling the Command Ring with this mod is the "Use" key. [b]What's new in this version?[/b] More aggressive MG fire. Fixed some tank commands. It's time to experience [i]Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30[/i] in a whole new light, drop your linen and start your grinnin', it's time to step up soldier! If you think you have what it takes to walk away from this Single Player mod, then all you need to do is locate and use the download button. Enjoy. Refer to the readme for more information.
Just like his [i]Earned in Blood[/i] version, Rendroc has developed this mod for [i]Road to Hill 30[/i]! Rendroc's Command Mod for RtH30 was created to add a few more commands to the RtH30 Squad
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