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Rendroc's War Zone for RtH30

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-02-08 23:02:00
17 просмотров
blood. Also includes the latest versions of my other mods: Dangerous AI, which improves the Germans' abilities to move, flank and retreat; and the CommandMod Tactical interface. With the Dangerous AI, the Germans will avoid your flanking maneuvers and attempt to flank you themselves. They will retreat when necessary and may use smoke grenades. Get too close without support, and they will assault you. The Command Mod adds Smoke Grenades, more Battle Dialogue, and the ability to order your team to Throw Grenades to the previous versions which included Assaulting Tanks, Maneuver Under Cover, Waypoints, Pickup Panzerfaust, and much more. [b] Note: Again, this is for Road to Hill 30, if you have Earned in Blood, you need the file found [url=http://brothersinarms2.filefront.com/file/Rendrocs_War_Zone_for_EiB;97691] here. [/url] [/b]
Adds up to 14 new soldiers from 1st Platoon, Fox Company 502 PIR to support your squad. You will be facing and triple the usual number of Germans. Firefights will be intense. There will be
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