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CoD2 Server Config

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-04-30 22:04:00
19 просмотров
config file, and trust me, when you see how much information is in there, you\'ll be glad you didn\'t have to organize it yourself. :P Anyway, you all know what a server config is, so just check out the main points and features of this example file below, and download it now! ;) Color Codes Public Information Settings Game Authorization Settings Server Options Server Log Anti-Cheat Settings Server Voting Settings Server Voice Chat Settings Weapon Configuration Settings (enable/disable weapons) Gametype Configuration Settings (DM, TDM, CTF, HQ, SD, HTF, IHTF, LMS, LTS, RET) Map Chart (including map/gametype compatibility) Alternate Maps Gametypes List Map Rotation Settings (up to 7 custom rotations) Large, Mixed-Gametype Map Rotations Area for Testing Map Rotation Custom Map Rotation Custom Map Rotation for All Maps and All Gametypes + Random Rotations Shortcut Command Line
Here\'s the third and final piece of documentation released by DeekCiti for today. This one\'s of great use to any server admin, in my opinion. It features a fully-packed and organized server
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