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Testing Grounds

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-11-16 23:11:00
6 просмотров
should check out as well. This map is divided by bodies of water and gentle elevation changes. Each player starts with a small green tiberian fields. Two blue tiberian fields and four more green tiberian fields are able to be expanded to. There is a big green tiberian field in the middle of the map that will provide a huge economic boost if one can manage to hold it down. This map has a huge amount of tiberian spikes; 28 spikes to be exact. Why so many? The tiberian fields are not full fields, but are patches. The patches are used up quickly, so they only provide a steady income for a little bit. There is also two EMP controls and two defensive towers in strategic positions. Getting a hold of your opponent's towers will hurt their economy. In the center of the middle, there are money creates to be collected. Rocks, dead trees and tiberium chasms bring the map alive. The ground textures combined with white fog finish of the map with a cold, dusty feeling. Overall, this map is a great yellow zone map that features an interesting economy approach and provides excellent feel that players that want to play a yellow zone map are looking for.
Testing Grounds is a four player skirmish map set in an arena style that is based in a yellow zone. It is another map by Chuck888. Chuck has another yellow zone map called Deadly Decent that you
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