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The second Tour of Egypt

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-22 23:03:00
4 просмотра
OverlorD. And the best about it - I can only give good news ! Theres enought place and tiberium, so the map can handle six player matches suffciently.The ground details are very nice! With a good use of ground textures and object placement +1 just for the cliffs! The map has an impresive desert look. Theres nothing really to complain about - maybe the regrow rates on the tib. fields could be a little fastter, but otherwise - I highly recommend this map!
Im sorry, I didnt have much time to spare, to have look on the new files here, but Im back and so I go! I was really looking forward to see this map! It is a remake of the map "Tour of Egypt" made by
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