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Post effects TGA

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-05-28 00:05:00
2 просмотра
.TGA's for Post effects. To use these in your map just extract to any place on your PC. Then in Worldbuilder go to EDIT > EDIT POST EFFECTS and select * DISTORSION - JUST LEAVE LIKE IT IS. * LOOKUPTABLE - CLICK THE DEFAULT VOLUME BUTTON THEN SELECT "BLEACHBYPASS". * LIGHTRAYS - CLICK CM1 CLOUD AND SELECT "CM_RedZoneA_LightRays". Thats it you will a difference after that, now just play with light settings also to get the right effect that you like to make your map just right. **NOTE** When you select LOOKUPTABLE the screen will turn PINK, dont wory, after you select BLEACHBYPASS it will remove the pink. This TGA'S work with TIB WARS WORLDBUILDER and KANES WRATH WORLDBUILDER.
Included in this package is the .TGA files that is used to get your map looking like the maps from EA, enviromental wise. 1. Also theres a river.TGA to use with rivers on your map. 2. The
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