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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-07-19 22:07:00
7 просмотров
Bomb Master Computer Countermeasures GDI: Sharpshooter Team Zone Trooper Drop Pod Shockwave Artillery GDI Airborne Orca Strike Bloodhounds SCRIN: The Swarm Lightning Spike Reconstruction Drones Phase Field Wormhole Summon Mothership Super weapons such as the Rift, Nuke and Ion are still missing, but everything else is back and retooled to fit in with the direction of Tactix. Some of the most significant updates this time around include: A reworked stealth detection system, encompassing every unit and structure's ability to detect mines, vehicles, infantry and aircraft. Infantry are now purposeful in the extreme. If they're anti-infantry, they'll do their job better. Likewise anti-light or heavy vehicle infantry, will do their job better. Oversights including improperly balanced build times, prices, and hitpoints have been addressed. Balancing, balancing and more balancing!!! As I near the completion of Tactix, I've been doing more playing then actual modding and it's paid off if in terms of balancing. From the cost and health of a mammoth tank, vs the tripod, to the deadliness of the blackhand infantry vs riflemen. It's been looked into. I'd like to list all the changes this time around but they're are simply too many, and if I tried I'd be leaving something out, so I won't. I do however have a somewhat updated readme file included which reflects most of the changes. If you care to read into it some more, have at it.
This latest edition of Tactix brings back all the upgrades and purchasable power-ups. NOD: Decoy Army Cloaking Field Mine Drop Shadow Strike Team Catalyst Missile Tiberium Vapor
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