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Red Alert 3 Demo

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-13 23:12:00
7 просмотров
goodness that the series has come to be identified with. Attack Dogs! Killer Dolphins! Spider Robots which dismantle your tanks! And presenting for the first time in a C&C game: Anime Transforming Mech Robots! Krasna-45: Circus of Treachery – The second mission of the Soviet campaign, players will immediately be introduced to battling the series’ newest faction, the Empire of the Rising Sun, escorting the Soviet’s commando Natasha to a launch facility, protecting her from the Imperial ambush division waiting to attack. Heidelberg: The Famous Liberation – Players will then switch their attention over to the Allied cause, in the third mission in the Allied campaign, teaming up with an in-game Co-Commander to take out the Soviet’s powerful Iron Curtain and headquarters in Germany. If you don't have the game, download it Now.
The Red Alert 3 demo will give you a chance to play the best C&C game to date for free! It includes two single player missions, Three tutorials for people new to C&C, and plenty of the over-the-top
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