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Single Player
Cyberpunk Noir City Environment

Cyberpunk Noir City Environment

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-07-28 22:07:00
7 просмотров
new; an industrial, cyberpunk styled city. Nearly all the assets were custom modeled, with the exception of the vegetation and few environmental objects [quote]This environment was created for my final year university project. The aim was to "capture the atmosphere" of the cyberpunk genre. I also researched film noir lighting and have tried to add a little of that to my environment. I have modelled and textured most of the objects in the level, apart from the obvious Crysis assets such as the trees, bottles, plates, bin bags, dumpsters, people etc. -jjjapan [/quote] The first thing that you will notice are the lighting effects. The lighting was based on the concept of film noir, and has been adapted well to CryEngine 2 The environment was a work in progress for an upcoming mod based in a Cyberpunk city, but the mod was put on an indefinite hold, and this map was released as a preview. It isn't 100% complete, but jjjapan has moved onto a bigger project It's a beautiful piece of work still, and a major accomplishment for CryEngine 2. I can only see these type of environments improving with the upcoming release of Crysis 2 and CryEngine 3 (the .cry file is included for Sandbox editing) -Aykan
This type of environment is not something common to Crysis, which is largely based on open and vegetated environments. However, jjjapan took the initiative and decided to take a step toward something
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