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Kasyr Lutien

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-11-06 00:11:00
10 просмотров
includes the original Winter Assault snow and sounds, not the custommade from version 1. This was only possible thanks to the ingenious BrSgt_Burns, that somehow managed to make his own WA mission editor. All credits for this map should go to him, i only begged him to include those FX into my old map. Many thanks for that, BrSgt_Burns! Go check this threads for maps made entirely by BrSgt_Burns: http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=77047 http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=77711 http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?t=77330 Awesome work there! ****************************************** Warning: This map can ONLY be played in Winter Assault! Playing it in the original DoW will maybe cause crashes. I haven\'t tested it, though. If you want to play this map in the original DoW without the addon use the old version (1.0) instead: http://dawnofwar.filefront.com/file/Kasyr_Lutien_Winter_Assault;45679 Both maps are NOT compatible. ****************************************** Installation: Before installing: If you have the old version still installed, i suggest you delete it. No problems will arise if you don\'t, but you will see the map two times in your list, the newer one with a icon with player positions on it. During Installing: Simply put all the files in the zip into a folder with the path e.g. \"c:/Your-Dawn-of-War-directory/W40k/Data/Scenarios/MP/\". See screenshot(1).jpg. Of course you can leave out the screenshots and the readme.txt (\"screenshot(1-9).jpg\"), they are not important for the map. That\'s all. After installing: Launch Winter Assault as usual and pick the map from the list (see included screenshot(9).jpg). And have fun! Credits: Again, many thanks to Br_SgtBurns. Without him this map version would NOT have been possible. And thx to the DoW community and relic for makin Dawn of War into what it is! Known Issues: None, except the fact that this map will need Winter Assault installed. (c) 2005 Aralez and BrSgt_Burns. For feedback: Please post at dowfiles where you downloaded this map. Thanks!
WARNING: FOR WINTER ASSAULT ONLY !!!!!! This is the original 6player Kasyr Lutien Map, remade with snowy textures, sound and of course the snow itself. Version 2 (the one you have here) finally
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