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Chainsaw Map Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-23 00:01:00
8 просмотров
accessible with jump troops. Most of the vegetation is light cover, the cliffs are heavy cover, and the open areas are negative cover. The sides and center will be the focus of most of the fighting. NOTE: Only works with Winter Assault. Arctic Chainsaw (6) This is a 6 player map designed for 3 vs 3 games. Each side has a wall of cliffs accessible only through a narrow canyon, yet the walls are accessible by ramps and provide heavy cover. This is a great map for siege warfare. Note: Only works with Winter Assault.
This map pack contains 2 maps: Chainsaw Jungle (4) This is a 4 player map (one in each corner) designed for any type of play. There is a lot of uneven ground, and most of the cliffs are
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