Name: Evil toilet PE v.0.9.2 Mail: Author: iMiceman Type: Single Player Editor: DOOMEdit (Doom Radiant) Release: September 3 2004 Description: On idea, this that place before that as pinky has returne
Map: Evil toilet PE v.0.9 Mail: Author: iMiceman Type: Single player Editor: DOOMEdit (aka Doom Radiant) Release: August 29 2004 (14:25) Description: On idea, it just that place before that as pinky has ret
This map is a large single player half hour jaunt. (WIP) You are the first person to make a trans-solar teleportation to Mars. However this is just a piece of the equipment used for the exper
============================================================================= Hello all, I hope that you will enjoy this single-player scenario for Doom III
This level was made by me (MNeMiC) in around 50 hours of total creation time. It