UBAR_SHOTI-2 This is Slade-exe with the ubar_shoti-2 mod Well, again, I haven't uploaded any files lately. Almost a year now... yah. I've been working on a mod for the past year and I decided to just go back to my original mods and make them
With this application, you can tune a lot of game settings. Every settings has it's description, and most of them have pictures, so you'll know exactly, which setting what does! Changes in version 1.5: Updated descriptions New settings (5): Sub
BattleReady v2.0 by Trojanman190 Now updated by Dafama History: v2.0 - Latest update by Dafama2k7. (19-1-2009) - Added new shaders based on BHNG, this are on a separate .pk4 file and aren't required by the mod. - Enhanced all weapons
Darkradiant is coming along in a most excellent way! One particular feature this release is prefab previewing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features / Changes Subdivisions can be set
Darkradiant is coming along in a most excellent way! One particular feature this release is prefab previewing. *NOTE: this is the 64 bit version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features /
Story Overview: You Are Alexander M. Goodman and nothing depends on you. You are noone, a pawn in a game of chess in which the players are so far away you can't even think about them, because you don't know they exist. This is the world of Wrathch
Story Overview: You Are Alexander M. Goodman and nothing depends on you. You are noone, a pawn in a game of chess in which the players are so far away you can't even think about them, because you don't know they exist. This is the world of Wrathch