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Doom III
Hosted Mods
Final Releases
Bubba Lego Tep starring Lego Elvis

Bubba Lego Tep starring Lego Elvis

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-05-05 22:05:00
10 просмотров
download will put a smile on your face! Brian Trepanier has submitted his mod that brings the world of Lego, as well as your fond memories of playing with them, to the forefront of your [b]Doom III[/b] gaming experience! We have, for your Doom adventure, Bubba Lego Tep starring Lego Elvis! This mod brings together three of the worlds greatest past times: Lego, Elvis and Doom III; you\'ll have more fun then you dreamed possible with this download! This is all about you, in the role of Elvis, hiding out in, of all places, an old folks home! If that wasn\'t challenge enough, you have a soul sucking mummy to contend with... and the fun is just beginning! Refer to the readme for more information.
If you have ever wanted to go back in time and play with some of your toys that have a special meaning to you, but wished these toys could be, somehow, updated with today\'s technology...then this
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