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Classic Doom 3 | Sourcecode

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-03-19 23:03:00
12 просмотров
are the following:[/b] The intermission/statistics screen displayed between levels (there is an unused key/val combination that would allow mappers to update the GUI graphics depending the sequential progress of the player. This was originally designed to facilitate a map on the intermission screen, but was dropped). Autorun. A very small modification that simply checks the state of ui_autoRun and accordingly either flips input from the run key or leaves it untouched. For a complete picture of what has been changed, cross-reference this code and the untouched 1.3.1 code using diff or a similar program for your operating system. Refer to the readme for more information.
This is a package of all the files from the [i]Doom 3 Software Development Kit[/i] (SDK) that have been modified in the creation of Classic Doom 3. [b]The more predominant features of this code
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