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Doom III
Map Packs
The Ultimate Hell Campaign

The Ultimate Hell Campaign

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-12-08 00:12:00
8 просмотров
mini maps. The third is called Escape from Hell and has 5 mini maps. The fourth is one large map and is the Return to Hell map. There had been issues with missing textures and missing waves files and survival map in the Journey episode not working after the archvile is killed. Now all the maps are in series and if the files are placed in the right folders, hopefully everything will work. Please let me know is there are any missing sounds (the symptom is the annoying whining pitch in the background) or missing textures (symptom is black walls, floor and such) or missing models or monsters (symptom is a small black box sitting there in the map). Or if you get stuck in any level (esp. hell museum or survival). PLEASE rate the map and if it is crap say so, if you like some parts say so, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is HUGELY appreciated. -------------- Changes: -------------- - More enemies (hence the Hardcore label) - A bit less ammo, still more then enough to get the job done - Optimized and retextured and redone the sounds and connected all the maps. - It should work for everyone now - Total playtime is 3-4 hours depending on how one plays NOTE: A patch is available for this file. Download it [file="53646"]here[/file].
This is the final version of the Hell Campaign. It has total of 4 episodes. The first is called Entrance to Hell and is comprised of 9 mini maps. The second is called Journey through Hell and has 6
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