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Doom III
Single Player
Damnatio Memoriae (Episode I: Escape from Prykohn)

Damnatio Memoriae (Episode I: Escape from Prykohn)

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-12-18 00:12:00
6 просмотров
requires a type of exotic matter to keep the throat of the hole open. Exotic matter is very difficult to produce, so the supplies are limited. You were sent on a business trip to Prykohn, a small earth-like planet in the constellation of Orion, 650 light-years away from Earth, to buy supplies of exotic matter for SpaceTime Technologies. The Prykohnians are a business-oriented, money-loving society, forcing you to pay for everything. Everything went well until, suddenly, civilians started to disappear. Millions of them. No one knew what was happening. You were taken among them. Most of the planet was destroyed, and its resources exhausted. You wake up in a filthy cell, soon to be terminated. Your memory has been erased, your money and belongings stolen. owever, someone has managed to leave clues to help you escape and discover the terrible truth..." ----------------------------- Ver. 1.1 Change Log: ----------------------------- - Fixed Targ doors problem - A much more clear way to proceed, with more hints - Fixed a few sparklies - More monsters - No more Lost souls attack - You now can exit out of Dreamscape at will - Lots of minor improvements -------------- Remarks: -------------- This mod doesn't focus just on shooting, it's more of an adventure FPS. It is really possible to finish it, in fact quite easily, frankly. Look around, read everything. You can avoid the lost souls attack (find how). Really, it's just a matter of observing and patience. -------- Hints: -------- - Turn lights on if you want to "access" the paintings. (e.g. in the living room sometimes fails, try a few times). - If you turn the antenna back online, then you enter the "Auxiliary Room". Notice the little keyboard in the White Space; the pianola in the "auxiliary office" will give the musical-password for the White Space keyboard.
It is the year 2970. Humanity has long ago colonized most of the Milkyway Galaxy. You work for SpaceTime Technologies, a galaxy-wide corporation exploiting wormhole travelling. Wormhole travelling
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